InfoTouch Professional Activation key Free Full Download

Infotouch Professional Activation key is a leading Internet of Things (IoT) software platform designed specifically for connecting, managing, monitoring and deriving insights from all sorts of sensors, devices, equipment and assets across facilities, factories, supply chains and more.

With advanced IoT capabilities, this scalable platform lets enterprises aggregate real-time data from diverse systems into a unified view, while providing fine-grained control and analytics. Infotouch delivers powerful Industrial IoT solutions to optimize operations, prevent downtimes, enhance decision making and drive automation.

Key Features:

  • Connectivity and management for sensors, devices and assets
  • Real-time monitoring, alerts and notifications
  • Data aggregation, visualization and reporting
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Custom dashboards and role-based access control
  • Hybrid deployment across edge, on-premise and cloud

Infotouch enables organizations to implement Internet of Things solutions quickly, assimilate data at scale, while managing device lifecycles efficiently across facilities.

Key Capabilities and Benefits

Infotouch Professional Activation key comes integrated with connectivity to thousands of off-the-shelf IoT sensors and devices across industries while supporting custom device integration as well. It provides:

IoT Device and Sensor Connectivity

Seamlessly connect devices over WiFi, Bluetooth, LPWAN technologies like LoRaWAN? and NB-IoT, Modbus, BACNet and more. The platform auto-discovers devices, establishes secure connections, and starts collecting data while handling lifecycle management operations.

Monitoring and Alerting

Get real-time visibility into all managed devices, assets and business KPIs while setting threshold-based alerts across parameters like temperature, utilization, downtime and more. Quickly detect anomalies and get notified before issues cause downstream impact.

Some of the key monitoring and alerting features include:

  • Custom rules engine
  • Multi-level alerts across email, SMS, messaging apps and more
  • Alert suppression, consolidation and escalation capabilities
  • Integrations with ITSM tools like ServiceNow

Data Management

Infotouch offers unified data aggregation by ingesting streams from sensors, devices, connected equipment, business applications (via APIs) and more – making the data available through SQL and NoSQL databases. Enterprises can avoid data silos with Infotouch’s multi-tiered, petabyte scale data management for IoT deployments.

Analytics and Reporting

The platform provides highly customizable reporting dashboards spanning IoT data at an enterprise level. Users can generate out-of-the-box or custom reports covering assets, device telemetry, health statistics, interactions, events, audit logs and more while integrating BI tools.

Advanced analytics capabilities leveraging AI/ML algorithms offer actionable insights, recommendations, forecasting and optimizations. For example, predictively identify asset deterioration or the optimal thermostat policies to curb energy wastage.

Infotouch Professional Activation key

Some major analytics features include:

  • Custom reporting dashboards
  • Pre-defined templates across industries
  • Drag and drop designer
  • OLAP & SQL support
  • Anomaly detection and pattern recognition
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Enterprise IoT analytics

Administration and Security

Infotouch Activation key secures IoT deployments with TLS encrypted communication, data encryption at rest, granular access policies across devices, groups and telemetry data, along with options for private APN, VPN tunneling.

The platform provides separate admin and tenant logins, allowing managed service providers (MSPs) to securely manage multiple customer organizations. Additional security features include role-based access control, activity audits and logs, integration with authentication systems like AD/LDAP, two-factor authentication and more.

Supported Devices and Integrations

Infotouch Professional Free download natively supports connectivity to a growing ecosystem of third party sensors, gateways, equipment and applications. It also offers SDKs and APIs to connect custom devices and onboard additional data sources.

Some of the major integrations include:

  • Wide range of sensors – temperature, humidity, light, motion, gas, vibration, pressure etc.
  • Asset tracking devices – BLE, GPS, RFID, barcode, QR code
  • Industrial automation devices – PLCs, actuators, motors, relays
  • Building automation – HVAC, water, electrical, lighting systems
  • Physical security – surveillance cameras, access control systems
  • IT infrastructure – servers, networks, firewalls, storage
  • Business apps – ERP, SCM, CRM, CMMS via APIs
  • Cloud services – AWS IoT Core, Azure IoT Hub, Google Cloud IoT

These integrations allow enterprises to connect disparate systems involved in operations, assets, supply chain, logistics, facilities and more – break data silos and gain holistic visibility.

Managing Assets and Devices

Infotouch Professional Activation key provides comprehensive capabilities when it comes to managing assets and connected devices through their lifecycle.

Key features include:

Device and Asset Inventory

Auto-discover devices, assign tags, group them into hierarchies and categories. Attach documents like spec sheets, manuals etc. Sort, filter and search across thousands of assets with ease.

Location Tracking

Assign geo-coordinates or visual map overlays to assets and track their movement across floors, buildings, facilities and geographical areas. Leverage beacons and tags for indoor location tracking.

Status and Utilization

Keep tabs on asset health metrics like uptime, utilization levels, preventive maintenance needs and more. Configure data driven rules to optimize usage based on priorities.

Alerting and Notifications

Trigger email, SMS and push notification alerts based on thresholds set across temperature, downtime, idling, geofence breaches etc. for rapid incident response.

Audits and Change Logs

Records key Asset transactions like device connections, location changes, maintenance updates and configuration changes for auditing needs.

Maintenance and Automation

Define preventive, corrective and condition based maintenance workflows triggered on calendar schedules or device telemetry. Leverage RPA and IoT automation to self-heal networks, reboot devices or cycle power units.

With advanced functionalities around complete lifecycle management, Infotouch empowers organizations to track assets across the value chain – improving visibility and accountability holistically.

Data and Analytics Capabilities

Infotouch Download free ingests vast amounts of real-time data from connected devices and translates raw data signals into accessible information for deriving actionable intelligence – closing the loop across IoT sensor to business value chain.

It allows organizing data into sophisticated models while retaining relationships between diverse datasets and providing enterprise-wide data accessibility through interactive BI dashboards.

Key aspects include:

Data Processing

Filter, cleanse and shape unstructured IoT data into usable formats and structures applying data orchestration logic.

Custom Reporting

Use drag and drop dashboard designer to create interactive reports spanning assets, telemetry, alerts, interactions and more. Apply filters, combine data sources and set up automated report distribution.

Artificial Intelligence

Leverage out of the box and custom machine learning models across use cases like demand forecasting, dynamic clustering, image classifications, sensor fusion, anomaly detection etc.


Perform statistical analysis, ad-hoc queries, build models leveraging analytics capabilities like aggregations, regressions, estimations and hypothesis testing, patterns identification and more.

Recommended Actions

Leverage analytics to detect performance degradation, probable failures, wastage scenarios and guide users towards appropriate interventions for optimizing utilization, improving sustainability while increasing asset ROA.

With unified analytics and powerful AI/ML capabilities applied across diverse data sets, Infotouch enables data driven decision capabilities leading to new revenue opportunities and cost efficiencies.

Administration and User Management

Infotouch Professional Activation key provides separate admin and tenant logins for centralized management and supporting multi-tenancy requirements.

The web portal along with mobile apps provide easy access to manage all aspects of the platform, while focusing on user specific functionality.

Key capabilities include:

  • Web based central management console offering complete configuration, controls and visibility
  • Multi-tenant architecture, custom branding and tenant isolation
  • Organization hierarchy management
  • Administrative functions like user, role and permission management
  • Custom fields and fine grained access control down to device level
  • Audit logging, activity trails and system analytics
  • Announcements, notifications engine and ticketing integrations
  • License management and usage monitoring

These tools allow managing users across various locations, departments and partners – securely providing visibility and controls aligned to roles.

Deployment Models

Infotouch Professional Full version crack offers flexible deployment models for organizations to choose based on infrastructure needs and scalability requirements:

Cloud Based Software as a Service (SaaS)

Fastest deployment option hosted on Microsoft Azure allowing customers to get started instantly without investing in any hardware infrastructure. Ideal for handling fluctuating data volumes with features like auto-scaling, high availability, redundancy and geographic data residency.

On Premise

Allows deploying Infotouch software, device edge gateways and hardware like data servers within privately managed data centers meeting internal networking, security and data sovereignty policies.

Edge-Cloud Hybrid

Combine best of both worlds with computing at the edge for real-time events while leveraging cloud for longevity and accessibility of data leveraging Infotouch’s built-in synchronization mechanisms that keep edge and cloud information continuously aligned.

These flexible hosting options make Infotouch easily adaptable across various environments – offering optimal TCO across on-premise servers, private & public cloud infrastructure along with powerful edge computing gateways.

Best Practices for Implementation

Implementing enterprise-wide IoT solutions like Infotouch requires strategic planning, stakeholder alignment and phased roll outs focusing on use cases to demonstrate quick wins and ROI.

Here are some recommendations:

Define Clear Outcomes

Set measurable goals on expected benefits – reduced downtimes, lowered energy consumption, optimized asset utilization etc. based on current challenges and pain points. Infotouch can then be tailored accordingly.

Stakeholder Buy-In

Get alignment across maintenance teams, engineers, IT administrators, procurement teams and management early on regarding objectives, access needs and change impact.

Phased Implementation Plan

Start with a well-defined pilot focused only on a single use case, line-of-business or geography. Deploy sensors and integrate related systems – ensure benefits realization before company wide roll outs.

User Onboarding & Training

Conduct hands-on training workshops, offer self-service support resources, poster guides etc. to ensure teams can use the platforms effectively especially when scaling up.

Continuous Improvement

Keep enhancing value with more integrations across operational systems, further automation, prescribing more recommended actions using AI/ML and expanding analytics ROI across lines-of-business.

Competitor Comparison

Here is how Infotouch Professional stacks up against two of the closest competitors – Cisco Meraki Dashboard and Uptake.

VS Cisco Meraki

Infotouch Cisco Meraki
Agnostic IoT platform supporting thousands of device types Mostly proprietary Cisco hardware devices
Advanced analytics and ML capabilities Basic reporting and alerting focus
Higher scalability for larger deployments Capped scale meant for smaller sites
Lower TCO Being tied to Cisco hardware increases costs

VS Uptake

Infotouch Uptake
End-to-end capabilities spanning connectivity, management and analytics Mostly software focused analytics
Broad general purpose appeal across industries Appeal limited primarily to heavy industrial machinery
Simpler licensing models Complex output based licensing approach
Comprehensive capabilities offered natively Functions dependent on third party integrations

Infotouch Download free balances both operational device management along with applying advanced analytics – making it a more well-rounded offering compared to the rest.

Infotouch Professional Activation key


With the exponential growth expected across connected devices and sensors over the coming years, the ability to unify, manage, analyze and derive value from IoT deployments is becoming critical.

Infotouch Professional Activation key offers an integrated set of functionalities enabling holistic sensor data lifecycle management, advanced analytics along with total cost of ownership benefits – making it the right comprehensive platform to deliver on full scale Industrial IoT success transformational potential.

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